Loven Being A Mommy

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Finished Product
We got our pumpkins all carved. Trista (my Niece that i watch during the day) helped me finish carving Mason's pumpkin. She had fun, but as soon as she got the pumpkin on her fingers she keep on asking to wash her hands. It was funny. Mason's pumkin is the one on the left (the one with one tooth like him) Bradey's in next to mason's and mine is the scary looking one, just like me. just kidding :)

Mason Just kept wanting to touch his pumkin. It was scary to see him in the pose that he is in but he was safe, he is buckled in. It made me laugh, i would keep on sitting him back, and he would keep on reaching for his pumpkin. He is so silly.

In this bottom picture, Trista is making mason laugh by playing peek-a-boo. It was so cute!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Carving Pumpkins for FHE

Today we carved are pumpkins that we grew in our garden. It was fun, we only got Daddys pumpkin carved before mason fell asleep though. (i will post our other two pumkins tomorrow) Mason will carve his pumpkin tomorrow.

Mason just love to play with the stem of his pumkin. Today mason has been rolling all over the livingroom floor casing his toy rattle it is so fun to watch him learn new things. I JUST LOVE BEING A MOM it is just the funnest thing in the world :)

Sunday, October 22, 2006

What Is Mason Going to Be for Halloween?

A Tiny Ninja

I just love this coustum. I was not sure that it would fit him when we bought it, because it is size 12 - 18 months. Well of course my BIG boy is growing like a weed, and it fits him perfect. I just cant beleive my eyes. :( I cant wait to go trick or treating and show him off.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Mason is so silly. He has just learned to arch his back to look at the world upside down. It is so funny. One minite he will be sitting down with the boppy aroung him, the next he will be looking at me in the kitchen like he is in this picture. He makes me laugh. :)

Mason Riding a Pony and Helping Mowing the Lawn

Mason had a busy day on Saterday. He got to sit on a pony with his aunt Tiffany, and mow the lawn with his daddy. It is so fun to see mason do things for the first time. He is such a sweet heart.